I know you really don't want to hear about all this but, it just may make you feel better.
Recap of my past three weeks .....
Went up to the old house to turn on all utilities for the home inspection {the buyers want done}
The well pump was froze and cracked.
We had that replaced { a whopping $300}
Turned the water on....
No pressure... we had to get the air outta the lines...
****the frustration is building*****
Ok all set.....the water should be making its way to sinks, tubs and toilets
sloooooowly.....very slowly.. waiting waiting waiting
go upstairs....no water yet....go to basement
flooded... water everywhere
> insert a few swear words < and screams for a mop and rags
Got that cleaned up
Go upstairs.. water is pouring from the ceilings
>more swear words and more frustration<
Cleaned that all up
Go upstairs {2nd story}
the master bathroom is flooded
>throws hands in air and screams<
>oh and more swear words even louder<
We got that cleaned up.
Hubby and I are NOT very happy at this point
I call the company that came out and winterized the house
They gave me the run around
I called the realtor to get him on the ball to get this fixed since the house was left in his hands
A lil over 3 weeks later and I am still waiting for them to send someone out to fix the water leaks and damage.
I call them everyday and get the run around, you never speak to the same person each time you call.
Incompitent people and companys tick me off
{what about honesty, taking responsibility, your reputation, & customer service????}
hubby hit a deer {Thank God he is ok and there was not much damage to his truck}
Then his transmission went out on his truck.
The gas line on my car split somehow
{at $4.oo a gallon there were more swear words heard from afar}
mind you we are not a swearing family ** really we are not **
My desk top has a virus that I just can't think about right now
My nephew has lukemia so I went to spend the day with him at the hospital
and it tore my heart out to see all of those children with cancer.
Someone whom I thought was a very dear friend stopped talking to me {that broke my heart!}
Our daughter came home with broken glasses so off to the eye doctor for new glasses.
This week we have a funeral to attend {murder/suicide} a guy we went to school with, we were not very close to him but our daughter is friends with his niece.
I am on stress over load and have been having a pitty party here.
Ok Doll so how is reading all of this going to make me feel better you ask......
Just when you think you have problems...you hear someone elses' and yours aren't so bad!
I hope you have a blessed day dear friend