Tuesday, November 8, 2011

My Grandson

Dear Friends I come to you once again to ask for your prayers!
My darling grandson Tyler {16} 
was diagnosed with non hodgkins lymphoma {stage 4}
He spent 9 days in the hospital, 
He is home now surrounded by the love of his family.
The Chemo treatments are kicking his butt!
My heart is breaking...he is so sick and I feel so helpless.
Our family has had its share of tradgedies this year,
with the loss of my nephew and my mum, our emotions are on over load!
If you could please take a moment and ask God to help Tyler,
my family and I would be ever so greatful!
Thank you dear friends

                                          Wishing you a blessed day


1. Jeanette said...

Oh my gosh Dolly. Seems like when it rains it pours. My thoughts are with you and your family.

2. Pam @ Frippery said...

Prayers coming your way,

3. Kathleen Grace said...

He is on my prayer list Dolly. I keep praying for all of you.


4. Comeca Jones said...

I will add you and your family to my prayer list.

5. Sheree said...

prayers lifted dolly.....

6. Lallee said...

Dolly, I am so very sorry to read this news. Tyler will most certainly be in my prayers, along with all your family.

{{{{GOD HUGS}}}}

7. Lallee said...
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8. BrushedByAnAngel said...

I am so sorry to hear this, Dolly. I have two grandsons with PANDAS and I know it just breaks your heart when they are struggling with an illness. I will certainly be praying for him. Take care,

9. thasnifty said...

My heart is with you. I will pray for you and add him to my church's prayer list. Brightest blessings and peace to you.


10. Anonymous said...

Oh yes Dolly we will be praying. Psalm 34 - that psalm brings such comfort as I read all the many ways our God promised to be there for us-

bee blessed

11. Catherine Holman said...

You're in our prayers.

12. Rhondi said...

Hi Dolly
I haven't been to visit in a long time, but I think God wanted me to visit today. Our son had Hodgkins when he was 11. He's 35 now married with 4 kids. I'll be praying for him.
Hugs, Rhondi

13. Sweet Cottage Dreams said...

Dolly, God lead me to you, too. I haven't had the time to visit blog friends like I used to do, and had no idea what you are going through until now. I am sending prayers for you and your family and for Tyler. I know your brother's heart all too well and I am so sorry for your entire family. I lost my mom this year, August 3rd, and she's with our Father, too.

BIG HUGS...see how God connected me to you? He is amazing! All because of that little house....


14. Olivia said...

Hello! I just stumbled on your blog! Prayers sweet friend!

15. Anonymous said...

Dolly~ Will keep Tyler and you in my prayers tonight!

16. Lisa said...

I am so sorry to hear this. Will be praying for you all... Hugs

17. Unknown said...

Dolly, prayers are lifting for your grandson & all of you. May God hold you all closely, stretch His healing hands to tender your grandson. I am so sorry you are all going thru this, sweetie.

Have a lovely weekend ~
Big hugs & prayers ~

18. Celestina Marie said...

Dear Dolly, I am so sorry to read about your grandson. He will be in my prayers for the days ahead. What a gorgeous pic of a handsome young man. Many prayers will be sent and may God give you courage, strength and wrap his love around you.

Love to you,
Celestina Marie

19. Shirley said...

Dolly, It is so hard to watch your love ones suffer. It really is hard to take when they are so young. We don't expect it to happen to our children. My thoughts and prayers are with you. Hugs from Your Missouri Friend.

20. lvroftiques said...

Oh no! I certainly will add Tyler and your family to my prayers. I hope he kicks that lymphoma's butt HARD!!...Sometimes it's good to get even and this is one of those. Vanna

21. Anonymous said...

Oh, Dolly.... I have not visited in such a long time, and this evening I was blessed with some quiet time, and I was led right here. So many challenges this year.... I am so sorry. I will be holding you and your family close in thought and prayer. {gentle hug}

22. Sheree said...

just wanted to wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas!!! I firmly beleive God does put us through more than we can handle...

23. Celestina Marie said...

Hi Dolly, Stopping by to say hello and let you know the prayers continue for your grandson.
Blessings be yours this Christmas sweet friend.
Big Texas Hugs, Celestina Marie

24. Rhondi said...

Hi Doly
Just wondering how Tyler is doing. I pray for him everyday.
Hugs, Rhondi

25. Marilyn Broggie said...

Dear Dolly, I just now read your post. Since it's been over two months since your have posted, you must be terribly busy. I hope your nephew is getting better by now. My prayers go to God for him.

26. penandparchment said...

So sad! I PRAY.

27. Anonymous said...

Just stopping by to ask how your grandson is doing? Praying for your family~


28. Dori said...

Dear Dolly, I continue to hold you and your family close in thought and prayer. {gentle hug}

29. Sweet Cottage Dreams said...

Just stopping by to let you know I am thinking of you and praying that God is holding you close. He is there, always, holding your right hand. He is there for you. Always.


30. Jena Williams, Not So Shabby Interiors said...

Prayers for you and your family!!!

31. Ele at abitofpinkheaven said...

Oh Dolly, I was hoping this would be a happy visit to you, and I'm so very sorry. Prayers for your grandson. Please visit me for a chance to win an Annie Sloan Book.

32. Sheree said...

Dolly, plz let us know how u and your family are doing....

33. Nimal (Desertfrog) said...

I work and live in Saudi Arabia.
My Grand son live in Srilanka.
My Buddha Prayers will take place for your grandson for 7 days.after reading and saw the picture of your grandson my heart shaken.May the Blessing of Triple gems be with him. - Nimal Perera (desert-frog)

34. Chenille Cottage said...

Dearest Dolly,
I can feel your Grandmother's heart aching for your darling Tyler. It's times like these that we hold on tight to our loving Father and pray for His comfort. I will be bringing your dearest Tyler before God's throne each night.
Sincere blessings,

35. Sweet Cottage Dreams said...

Dolly, just checking in to see how you and your family are. Thinking of you right now.


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38. Rehan Ahmed said...
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