Sunday, September 25, 2011

My Sweet Momma

         Hello sweet dear friends, 
I can't believe it has been so long since my last post!
 Summer was crazy hectic to say the least!!
We had buried hubbys' aunt, and 2 dear friends!
Also my nephew Kyle lost his battle with leukemia.
Kyle {19} was diagnosed in February and lost his battle in July.
He was so strong and such an inspiration to all of us!
{Mum and Me in June}
August 10th my mum {Pat} was admitted into the hospital,
She had a heart attack, then her kidneys were failing, she has 3 blockages in her heart and a valve needs to be replaced, but she is too weak for any surgurys at this time.
She has been thru so much, fluid filled her lungs, she had 2 blood clots in her arms, internal bleeding {which was an ulcer} her oxygen, blood pressure, and hemaglobins were fluxuating! 
Now she is slipping into depression! 
45 days later she is still there laying in bed staring at the ceiling. Girls I am so broken hearted, I feel so bad that there is nothing I can do! I wish I could help her, I wish I could get her out of bed and take her for a walk outside to see the leaves changing colors and smell the fresh air! 
 I wish I wish I wish!
Mum is afraid to be alone and wants only my dear husband to stay with her at night.
No one else will do, she feels safe and comfortable with him being there.
Bless her heart.
My brother stays occasionally to give hubby a break but he is still mourning his sons death so it is very hard for him to sit and watch helplessly too!

Hubby loves mum as if she were his own mother and she loves him just as much!
They are so cute together, he feeds her and makes sure she has anything she could possibly need! I know she is in good hands!
He is such a blessing!
I don't mean to spill all this on your laps 
but many of you have emailed and asked if I was ok!
I am ok.....
hanging on to Gods hand and praying for his strength and healing.
Mum is 79 and says she has lived a good life and ready to go home but we are praying she has enough strength to make it a few more years!
Thank you all so very much for being such dear friends, 
your warm thoughts and prayers for my mum are greatly appreciated!
Much Love,


1. Diane Mars said...

Mrs. Cherry, Sounds like your family has had some very heart broken life changes, I am so sorry about your brothers son Kyle, that is really sad, I bet he was a trooper. I hope your mom turns around and starts getting better I agree she is to young to leave you all right now, it would break you and your families hearts again. Hugs to you~

2. Comeca Jones said...

Prayin that you have peace in your going through.

3. Jeanette said...

Oh my you have had a rough summer. I am so sorry for your losses, Dolly especially for your nephew Kyle. You are in my thoughts.

4. vivian said...

oh my, that is sooo much to deal with in such a short time. and then your mom being ill on top. I cant imagine. I'll send up some prayers for your mom and for you and your family. I'll pray that your mom can get better enough to have the surgery that will help her to feel even better. And that she wont fall into depression.
I had been wondering about you. keep us posted!

5. Lori said...

My thoughts are with you. I miss my own Momma so much but after loseingmy son, she never could have lived through this, I can only prey she was ther waiting for him to ease his fears leaving us. Love to you, wishes and prayers for Mom, Lori

6. Amber ~ The French Pressed Home said...

Oh Dolly! I am so sorry. It is hard when so much hits at onee. It's even harder when you don't have control! Hang in there. My family just went through something similar. It hurts, you start to remember good so you smile and the sadness slowly slips away. I always have to remind myself, it's all part of the plan. I hope your Mama finds enough strength within herself to fight. I will keep you all in my thoughts. You have a great husband to be there for her! Really.
xo, Amber

7. Kathleen Grace said...

Dolly, I was just wondering what you were up to. I am so sorry to hear about your dear mother. I am praying that God will heal her and give her hope. I am so sorry about your nephew too. So young and such a devastating outcome. I will keep yur whole family in my prayers. Thank you for letting us know what is happening.
Sending love

8. ❦Bayside Gal❦ said...

This has not been a good year for you. I know the pain and frustration that comes with this. We have been going thru a similar experience. I only hope that there is someone to be by my side when it is me lying there. We can only hope and pray for strength.
Keep your chin up!
Hugs, Jean

9. The Cutest Cottage Lamps said...

My heart goes out to mom was much the same way; I think she just gave up trying to live with pain. She has been gone for six years now. You have been through a lot this year and your husband sounds like such a sweetheart! May God bless you and your family,