Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Happy White Wednesday

I am joining Kathleen at faded charm white wednesday 101

I was sittin on the porch having a cup of tea and this wonderful, 
sweet smell filled my scenses
and made me smile.
I looked around and noticed the lily of the valley and lilacs 
were filling the air with their beautiful scent.

I grabbed my camera to capture their beauty then grabbed my pruners and snippe
a few bunches to bring in the house
Mmmmmm it smells so good!

so dainty and attractive to the fairies

I wish you could smell these
What is your favorite floral scent???
Be sure to visit Katleens blog and see everyones white treasures!
Be Blessed dear friends


1. Stephanie ~ Angelic Accents said...

Happy WW!! Love your pretty flowers, especially the lily of the valley! That is mother's fav flowers, even her wedding china pattern has l.o.v. on them!

Big TX Hugs,
Angelic Accents

2. Jilly said...

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3. Jeanette said...

I love lily of the valley! So pretty!!

4. Heidi said...

SO beautiful! Reminds me of my father's favorite old gospel song, "He's the Lily of the Valley".
Happy day! ~Heidi

5. Anonymous said...

Have A Great Day!!

6. Maura @ Kisiwa Creek Photography said...

Hello! Oh goodness...I love both Lily of the Valley and lilacs but if I had to choose it would probably be lilacs. They remind me of my Nana from England. Since I have two long groves of Lilacs I'm going to plant some Lily Of The Valley in my shade garden one of these days...oh I can almost smell it already. Thanks for stopping by...I hope you'll come again!
Have a wonderful day.
Maura :)

7. suzeeez said...

Beautiful photos, love the lily of the valley.
I tried emailing you twice about your blog sister Noelle. I was just wondering if the 2 of you ever hooked up. I hope I didn't offend you some how. I thought I might get an email back from you.

:o) Sue

8. Anne Butera said...

Mmmmmm... It's as if I can smell them because I have bunches of my own on the table beside me! I love lily of the valley and so many other flowers' scents. Especially the very fragrant roses.

Thanks for the comment on my blog!

9. Maryjane-The Beehive Cottage said...

Oh Dolly I can almost smell them! So pretty! I love the smell of a red rose. Reminds me of my mother! Have a wonderful day!


10. Rebecca said...

Love your wonderful white flowers! Happy White Wednesday!

Back Porch Blessings,

11. Sweet Cottage Dreams said...

Dolly, these are gorgeous! I have never smelled them before, but will see if I can get some to grow in the garden here. Some of my favorite scents are honeysuckle, fresia and roses.

Lovely post,

12. maría cecilia said...

What a joy to have the air perfumed like this!!!
hugs dear

13. ~*~ saskia ~*~ said...

Those are beautiful pictures! Lilacs are my favorite flowers by far.
Have a happy day x

14. Unknown said...

Beautiful post! My cottage is surrounded by Lily of the Valley! I brought some in when I was up there last, as it smells so pretty!
Hope you are well.

15. Red Rose Alley said...

I visited your blog, and I loved evrything about it! It is so colorful and cheery. I really liked the Angel with the red rose and the red poka dot tea cup. My favorite color is red. Me and my daughters just started a new blog, and we would love it if you could visit us and follow. I would really enjoy coming back to visit with you and seeing all your creative, wonderful ideas. Hope to hear from you, and have a sweet day.
~Sheri at Red Rose Alley

16. Sandi said...

Such pretty white flowers! I see you haven't posted for awhile. I hope all is well with you.

17. Kathy said...

OH my! That is one fragrance I miss - we can't quite grow the fragrant lilacs here - but, I fell for them when we lived in Ohio - beautiful whites! Hope you have a great day,