How else would we have all met such wonderful people all over the world!
Thanks again to Heather and Natasha...
Posted by Mrs. Cherry Heart at 11:15 AM 9 comments
Posted by Mrs. Cherry Heart at 10:02 AM 11 comments
Posted by Mrs. Cherry Heart at 9:26 AM 3 comments
Ahhhh.... the day was perfect,
the sky was blue... the sun was shinning bright....
a great day to S*H*O*P
In my pocket I had my list of wants and needs!!!!!
Oh yes when it comes to searching thru markets like these we ALL have our needs...
needs to rescue things that make our heart skip a beat!
My list consists of vintage sewing supplies, vintage laces, goodies for my spots and dots swap partner
STAR STAR ** be on the look out for anything with CHERRIES that is unique...
and some pretty vintage tea cups and tea stuff for the tea swap coming soon!
Also the usual.... I collect and never have enough of ... thingys!
Hmmm let me think... what was my first purchase????
Oh OH Oh down the very first isle....
I found 2 boxs of chipped and odd dishes.....
2$ a box...
the top few pieces were plates with roses and a few tea cups....
heart skips a beat!
The horses naying and clip clopping down the road,
Popcorn popping in the big copper kettles,
the chug of the engine running the amish ice cream maker.
The auctioneer off in the distance!
Ahhhhhh.... what a way to spend a day!
Wish you were here!!!!!
XO, Dolly
P.S. yes that is my flea market cart.... {my kids call it my granny cart}
Posted by Mrs. Cherry Heart at 2:47 PM
she knew exactly what to do!!
How exciting it was for us to witness such a wonderful miracle!!
it is all black just like the daddy!
Yes our new fur grand baby has a name....
{As you can tell, daughter does not do traditional...
P.S. You can bet I will post pictures periodically!
Posted by Mrs. Cherry Heart at 1:57 PM 7 comments
The babies are coming ~~ the babies are coming!
Our daughters' baby girl is haveing her babies tonight sometime!
Her water broke and she is in labor!
I will keep you informed!
I am so excited.... I am gonna be a grand mama again!!!!!!!!
Posted by Mrs. Cherry Heart at 8:48 PM 7 comments
We had a beautiful sun shiney day...
Filled with family, love, lots of foooooood and presents!
I love presents!!!!!
Who does'nt love presents right????
{sorry... I should have taken the glass out of the frame to prevent the reflection}
Take a look at this cherry sweet set of vinegar and oil cruets
Along with a great smellin lavender sachet....
That's not all....
she also sent me two very very pretty rose covered quilted placemats, trimmed in the prettiest deliacte lace!
{great for sloppin up messes} LOL.... {sorry.... private joke}
Also a sweet lil PINK rose scented candle.... love the graphics on the tin!
XO, Dolly
Posted by Mrs. Cherry Heart at 9:32 PM 3 comments
I wasn't always perfect, I wasn't always ideal
I didn't always clean my room, or eat all of my meal
I stayed out too late, I did things that I knew I shouldn't
I wanted to test my wings, and got mad when I couldn't
We are so much alike, my mother and I
We argued sometimes, and didn't always see eye to eye
I couldn't wait to be out on my own
To try out the ropes, to be fully grown
You were never afraid to speak what you thought
You knew what I'd done, well before I got caught
It wasn't until I was out of your home, I realized what I missed,
when I started to roam
A friend, a companion, who would always defend
Giving love unconditionally, a love that didn't end
Even when I wasn't perfect, ideal, or good
When the going got tough, I knew I always could
Turn to my mum, with her good advice
Even then I turned to you, as I became a wife
I thank you so much, for all that you've done
For what you have made me, for what I've become
Now I'm proud of the fact, that I am so much like you
I hope that I continue too, in all the things I do
These words canot express, just what you mean to me
But I will strive every day, to make sure that you see!
I love you mum with all my heart!!!
Mothers do things out of love,
Never imagining that what they do
May become unforgettable memories
In the hearts of their children.
A child sits at her window
Watching storm clouds in the sky
Knowing that she’s frightened
Not really knowing why
Maybe it’s the thunder
Could be it’s the rain
Maybe it’s the lightning
Mirrored on the window pane
But it really doesn’t matter
What fears the day may bring
If you’re safe and snug in a mother’s hug
You can face most anything
So soon the smiles of childhood
Turn Into teenage frowns
It seems so much of growing up
Consists of falling down
And through those painful middle years
I soon would come to know
The pain that seems to hurt the most
Is the kind that doesn’t show
But it really doesn’t matter
What fears the day may bring
If you’re safe and snug in a mother’s hug
You can face most anything
Now children do get older
But a child they still remain
Childish fears of darkness
Give way to worldly pain
Maybe it’s the sadness
When you lose someone you know
Maybe it’s the grief that comes
From reaping what you sow
But it really doesn’t matter
What fears the day may bring
If you’re safe and snug in a mother’s hug
You can face most anything
Now I still look out those windows
At storm clouds in the sky
At hopes and fears, joys and tears
Of many years gone by
And I thank God for the blessing
Of allowing me to be
The one who gives the comfort
When my children come to me
Cause it really doesn’t matter
What fears the day may bring
When you’re safe and snug in a mother’s hug
You can face most anything!!!
Happy mothers day to all the mums all around the world!
Being a mom is not just a job....
it's an adventure! :-)
Enjoy your weekend!
Luv, Dolly
Posted by Mrs. Cherry Heart at 5:44 PM 4 comments
I won her give away for this sweet treats trio!
Are'nt they the cutest faux treats???
Natasha sells these on her website....
go order some... you will love them!
Everyone thinks they are real!
And the best part is they are fat free! te-hee!
I Love Love this cute CHERRY tag!!!!
{it's soooo meeeeee!!!!!}
Complete with her signature sweet cupcake with a CHERRY on top!
A girl after my own heart!!!!!
*~ Thank you Natasha ~* {hugz}
Posted by Mrs. Cherry Heart at 11:22 PM 4 comments
Posted by Mrs. Cherry Heart at 9:18 AM 2 comments
Posted by Mrs. Cherry Heart at 4:14 PM 11 comments
This morning I got an email.....
Natasha Burns (my sweet aussie friend) tagged me for some Weird FUN!!!
>>> I've been tagged - 7 WEIRD Facts about ME <<<
Ok I am thinking... does Natasha think I am weird or what???
Well I guess some people {and family members} may think I am weird but I think of myself as UNIQUE!
Here are the rules…. each player starts with 7 random weird facts/habits about themselves. People who are tagged need to write on their own blog about their seven things, as well as these rules. At the end of your blog, you need to choose 7 people to get tagged and list their names. Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them that they have been tagged and to read your blog!
Oyyy this took some thinking to come up with these...... I really had to look at myself from another persons' perspective...
Come laugh with me...
1. I am obsessed with clean windows... I wash windows more then anyone I know! It drives me bonkers to have dirty windows! When my daughter moved into her first apartment the first thing I did when I walked in the door was get the window cleaner out and shine them windows! After that was done then I could relax and enjoy her cute lil abode! Do you think its weird? I don't!!!! My family and neighbors do though!
2. I like being by the water but not in the water.... Hmmm... weird?? to top it off I am a pisces... a FISH LOVES Water!!!!
3. Like my dear friend Ele I can pick up things with my toes... like toys, pens, pencils, socks, anything but a coin! I never really thought it weird though.. just talented! :-)
4. I talk to my chicken girls like they are humans and can really understand me! I spoil them with treats and sweet baby talk! I even bless them when they sneeze! Hubby keeps reminding me that they are chickens but to me they are my girls!
5.I LOVE anything CHERRY..... My friends and family call it a "way over board obsession"! My daughter says I need to see a shrink! I paint cherries on anything that does'nt move! My kitchen is filled with cherry things, I have cherry jammies, cherry socks, cherry totes, cherry undies, cherry blankets, cherry sheets, cherry pillows, cherry shirts, cherry stickers, cherry stamps, cherry stationary ... you name it.... I even buy my granddaughters cherry outfits and cherry goodies! I am constantly doodeling cherries too! WEIRD ???? NAW!!! UNIQUE YES!!!
6.I have a bottle of hand sanitizer in my truck, purse, bathrooms, kitchen, bedroom and on my desk! I am constantly washing my hands! I won't touch door knobs with my bare hands! OCD or weird????
7.I collect rocks..... oh not just any kind of rocks! These rocks are each hand picked and heart shaped! I am in my glory when I am searching through a pile of rocks, oh you know those landscaping rocks they use... like river rocks.. I LOVE THOSE.... I could spend all day looking at every rock!!!!! I get the biggest thrill searching thru rocks to find the perfect heart shaped rock...... Hubby says I am going to get arrested one day for stealing rocks from business' landscaping! I can't help myself!!!!!!
I hope you enjoyed reading some weird and embarrassing facts about me! Thanks Natasha!!!Did you shake your head or just laugh????
Think about it..... what are some weird facts about you??????
I have tagged 7 friends so now they have to expose their weirdness.... uhhhum I mean uniqueness :-)
Go see what my gal pals have to say about themselves.......
Miss Duffy
Oh My I have been tagged twice.....
Stay tuned for more weird wacky facts about mwa!
Happy Blogging!
Posted by Mrs. Cherry Heart at 3:04 PM 10 comments