Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Cherry Princess

Lil Miss Emma came to Grammas house to play!

Come on..... Let's go outside to play

SHHH....... Kitten and Miss Emma napping
Sweet dreams Grammas lil cherry princess!

Dolly & Miss Emma


1. Lallee said...

Absolutely adorable--right down to the little cherry mouth in the last pic. I loved this post!


2. Connie said...

I remember when Miss Emma was born, Dolly, and she's even more gorgeous now with that bow mouth!! What a beauty, my sweet cherry chick!
Smoochies for her and YOU,

3. carolyn@simple~primitive~devotion said...

How sweet & precious she is!

4. Jessi Nagy said...

how stinken cute is she???
i LOVE her dress! perfect for your house.
what a cutie.

5. Lori said...

oh, Dolly! she is so beautiful!!! those sweet little curls, those precious kissable have a real cutie pie there!!!

6. LiLi M. said...

Ooooh your cherry grandchild is soooo cute and adorable!!

7. Natasha Burns said...

Awwww she is so precious! Love love love her cherry dress, it's absolutely adorable on her! xo

8. Pocket Full of Prettys said...

Oh my gosh! She is adorable. I have a Granddaughter due to arrive in December, just can't hardly wait. Renea

9. Kingswood Food and Craft Market said...

awwww Dolly if that aint the sweetest lil cherry princess ever ! Miss Emma i have a handsome lil husband lined up here in Australia for you already :)
*wink wink*
Emma and Sam sittin' in a tree
how sweet she is !

Luv Ya Right Back


oh hey you never told me..did you make the cuppies?? How'd they turn out???

10. Maryjane-The Beehive Cottage said...

Hello Sweet Dolly!

Those are PRICELESS pictures of your Sweet Emma! Start making her a scarpbook! Memories to cherish forever! Your garden is so pretty to!

Think of you!

11. Unknown said...

OH Dolly! That is the sweetest little dress! Too darling! Love the last photo sweet baby girl!

12. Mary Isabella and Kiley too! said...

She is so beautiful and sweet.....Hugs

13. Yankee Ridge Primitives said...

She is precious with the lil dress!

14. Mrs.Kwitty said...

OMGoodness--she's a little cutey pie! Right down to her little cherry dress (hmmmm....I wonder where/why she got that??!) So sweet, I'm glad you got to spend such a lovely day with her. That pic of her walking down the trail is my favorite, it's just so sweet.
Smiles, Karen

15. Terri said...

Miss Emma is a doll! Love when Grandmothers share with us that don't have any! Please go to my blog and pick up your award! Hugs, Terri

16. bee'nme said...

Dolly, my goodness, you must be the proudest Grandma in the world - what an incredibly ADORABLE cherry princess you have there!! How convenient that she matches your decor so well ;o) I'm delighted that you shared your blessing with us in beautiful photos...

Hey, I'm having my giveaway finally if you want to come and sign up...who knows, you just might win again!!!

Hugs and Blessings,
Becky S.

17. Kai said...

Sigh ... aren't they completely amazing at that age? So curious and easily entertained - so huggable and open to BEING hugged! Emma is a soft lil' treasure! Blessings on that sweet little girl in her precious cherry dress! And on YOU, Dolly!

18. "Magnolia" said...

What a full day of fun for that sweet little princess! She is adorable!

19. Linda said...

Dolly, Emma is a little princess...she is just precious. Her little cherry dress is too cute...she looks adorable. I love the napping picture with the little kitty. Hugs, Linda

20. Joyce Mineer said...


21. kattz*cottage said...

TOO Cute for words! She is SO precious! Those are awesome pictures!


22. Nic Hohn said...

I love the name of your blog. I had to come and check it out!

23. Mrs Jelly said...

What cute pictures - I'm loving that dress - why can't grown ups wear dresses like that?!
I found your blog through Rachael Rabbit's cupcake challenge.
(PS - I'm having a fab blog giveaway and hope you can drop by and take a look)

24. Cindy said...

What a sweetheart! And love that dress!


25. Nancy at ManicForMosaics said...

Emma is a DOLL! What a sweet little cherub! I just wanna KISS those cheeks of hers. Of course, I'm LOVING the dress!

26. Sharon said...

Miss Emma is the sweetest baby, just a little cherub. I just want to kiss those sweet cheeks.

27. Dena said...

Now that little lady is truly a bundle of sugar. Sooooo sweet :) Love her lil' cherry dress too!


28. Anonymous said...

Lil Miss Emma - you are a Darlin' Girl! Just too sweet for words! Looks like Grama is teaching you one of the finest things in life - enjoying those you love! Happy Cherry Days!

29. nikkicrumpet said...

OH MY GOSH she is a precious angel....but you just know that one of these days she's gonna grow up and say "grandma if you take one more picture of me I'm gonna scream"! LOL...for now just keep on snapping!

Thanks for visiting my blog. I'm glad you're a Home Depot addict too! And you'll be amazed at how well those frames will turn out. Everyone who comes in comments on how pretty they are and wants to know where I got em...when I tell them how I made them they are so surprised. Have a great night!

30. artis1111 said...

She is so cute. Kathy

31. Ele at abitofpinkheaven said...

So adorable. Miss Emma looks perfect in her cherry cherry dress.

32. Anonymous said...

Awwww, she is adorable as cute as can be!!! I love her cherry dress, did you make it?

33. Fete et Fleur said...

Miss Emma is beauty itself. What a scrumptious little package. She is so blessed to have you!!


Thanks so much for the commnet on The Artful Blogging Feature!

34. Essential Oil Premier University said...

What a cutie! Absolutely adorable little "cherry" dress too!! I'm sure gramma found that.



35. Lana Manis said...

Oh my gosh! How CUTE!!! LOVE the photos, Dolly! Are those coneflowers and beebalm beside your porch? You have some lovely flowers! Check your email ~ I emailed you about the corn...

36. Jan~Feather Your Nest Antiques said...

I knew you were somewhere in Michigan, but I didn't know exactly where. What city do you live in? If you're ever down my way, stop in and visit my shop. I'm about 15 minutes from Ann Arbor.You can kill 2 birds with one stone and visit Ikea while you're here. I'm only about 15 minutes from Ikea too.

37. Sweet Cottage Dreams said...

Dolly, she is just the cutest little girl! My oh my she is getting big. I love Emma's little cherry dress and daisy swimsuit. It is no wonder she is all tuckerd out after having spent a busy day at her Grammies.


PS: Give her a little hug from me.

38. Holly said...

Hi, Dolly! I'm Holly!

Your grandbaby looks so huggable! Makes me miss my 3- all far, far away. :<

39. Celestina Marie said...

Oh Dolly your sweet Miss Emma is adorable. A little angel in that cherry dress too. What a wonderful post!

I am having a giveaway and would love for you to stop by and leave a comment to enter if you have a moment.
hugs, Celestina
la rea rose

40. Anonymous said...

Hi Dolly,
Congratulations. You are the winner of the pink rose wreath. Please email me your address so I can send it to you.


41. Pink Slippers said...

Love the that cute face. Sooo Sweet.

42. Unknown said...

Hi Dolly,

What a cutie she is and in that lovely cherry dress! What a doll.

Kindredly, Lynne Laura

PS: I have that same arch!

43. Mary said...

That's a cute baby! Especially the photo of her sleeping...

44. Chris said...

You are living my dream!! I would love to someday have a darling baby granddaughter toddling around our country cottage backyard looking just as sweet and precious as can be!! I will cross my fingers!! What a joy she must be in your life. Kids are the BEST aren't they?!! Also I really love your blog it looks wonderful!!
Best wishes from,
Chris at Curby's Closet

45. Michelle Frae Cummings said...

sooo cute! love the cherry dress!

46. said...

sweet, sweet and sweet! Rachaelxo

47. Sherry said...

What a beautiful child!!! I loved watching her go through her day -- right down to her sweet little nap!

48. Alice Regan said...

Adorable, adorable, adorable! Look at that face ...look at those cheeks ....look at that dress! What a grand time you and Miss Emma had! I'm so totally jealous!

49. kari and kijsa said...

Thank you so much for your prayers and wonderfully kind comments during this difficult time. Every word made and is making a difference as we begin this new journey.

Thank you so much for your words of comfort and blessing,
kari & kijsa

50. Kingswood Food and Craft Market said...

hey there cherry queen
just poppin in to see where you are.

miss ya

oh and any excuse to come back and look at those gorgeous pics of Miss Emma too *grin*

she's such a lil darlin!

Luv Ya


51. Anonymous said...

I just found you in blogland. I make designs for baby clothes.....I have to say that is ONE CUTE baby. It will never matter what she wears....she will be beautiful in EVERYTHING!! Congrats on your beautiful grandbaby. Emma is my favorite girl name. I had two I named my chicken Emma.

Karen Eileen

52. Unknown said...

Just look at her in her cherry dress!!! I think Emma gets more beautiful every day Dolly!! I LOVE those cheeks!!


53. Bertie said...

Wow, how our little Miss Emma has grown! She's still the sweetest little princess in the world!

Hope you are well. Come visit me!

Aunt May's Cottage

54. Charmingdesigns said...

What a beautiful sweetie!!! Laurie

55. Susie said...

What lovely pictures! I love the last two when she is fast asleep and still looking like a magazine picture! What a glamour girl.
The Polka Dot Rose

56. Unknown said...

Hi Dolly,

Just stopped by to see what you have been up to. Haven't seen you in a while, hope all is well.

Kindredly, Lynne Laura

57. Jennifer Hayslip said...

OH MY HEAVENS!!!!!!! SHe is a DOLL baby!!! Oh I could just eat her up! I could see her and Miss Vivi just having loads of fun together!!! That DRESS!!!!! SQQQUEEL!!!! SOoo stinking sweet! You are such a wonderful grandma! SHe is very very lucky! :)) XO

58. Jillian's Bella Rosa Antiques said...

Too cute!!!!!!!!!! Love her dress!

59. Jules of Whimsicalnotions blog said...

aww how sweet is she in her cherry dress.What a cherub.And yes the last pic with the cherry chubby lips

60. Unknown said...

What a sweetie!!!

61. SweetAnnee said...

Oh Miss Emma is just about the sweetest lil rosebud ..ok ..cherry ...girl..
smiles and hugs, Deena

62. Anonymous said...

Suck a cutie! love the cherry dress!!

63. Southern Lady's Vintage said...

What a beautiful little bundle of joy!! I love the cherry dress too!

64. Lynda said...

Adorable baby! sweet dress!

65. Cathy said...


I love that Cherry Dress! I want one.

xo Cathy