WELCOME March.....
It's 15 degrees, we have well over a foot of snow on the ground and they are forecasting more to come this weekend!
March 20th is the first day of SPRING.....
I WELCOME SPRING with open arms! I have spring fever, cabin fever, snow-itis, house-a tosis, I am cold, crabby and sick of slipping and sliding!
~~~~~~BRING ON SPRING~~~~~~
It's 15 degrees, we have well over a foot of snow on the ground and they are forecasting more to come this weekend!
March 20th is the first day of SPRING.....
I WELCOME SPRING with open arms! I have spring fever, cabin fever, snow-itis, house-a tosis, I am cold, crabby and sick of slipping and sliding!
~~~~~~BRING ON SPRING~~~~~~

Monica @ Girl gone thread wild gave this award to all the PINK ARTISTS.
Thank you Monica...
it was a true joy for me to be able to contribute my lil squares for this wonderful cause!

A GREAT BIG THANK YOU and lots of WARM BEAR HUGZ to each and every one of you,
my dear sweet friends!
Thank you for all of the warm and some funny birthday wishes..
and for the beautiful presents I received!
I love you all so much!
You made my birthday extra special!
I really felt like someone special, someone important!

My birthday week is over....
I have been working on easter swaps.... whoohooo...
isn't it fun to jump from hearts to bunnies!
I will show you a sneak peek and show you my birthday prezzies as soon as I can get my camera away from hubby!
He has gone picture crazy...
we have well over 20 deer in the yard all day so he has been snapping away!
He is too funny!
Ta Ta for now,
Hugz, Dolly
Thank you Monica...
it was a true joy for me to be able to contribute my lil squares for this wonderful cause!

A GREAT BIG THANK YOU and lots of WARM BEAR HUGZ to each and every one of you,
my dear sweet friends!
Thank you for all of the warm and some funny birthday wishes..
and for the beautiful presents I received!
I love you all so much!
You made my birthday extra special!
I really felt like someone special, someone important!

My birthday week is over....
I have been working on easter swaps.... whoohooo...
isn't it fun to jump from hearts to bunnies!
I will show you a sneak peek and show you my birthday prezzies as soon as I can get my camera away from hubby!
He has gone picture crazy...
we have well over 20 deer in the yard all day so he has been snapping away!
He is too funny!
Ta Ta for now,
Hugz, Dolly
Hi Dolly,
So glad you had a great birthday week.
I'm so glad Spring is nearly here.
It still sounds terribly cold where you are.
Have a great Sunday!
Hello Dolly,
Happy belated Birthday! :) Sounds like you had a wonderul week and congratulations the award...you deserve it!
Siobhan xo
Hi Dolly!
Thanks for your comments on my blog. Please visit again! I just love your make-over here! I so love red toile!!! GLORIOUS!
Happy belated Birthday as well!!!
I am also ready for spring, although our winter has been very mild here.
Enjoy the rest of the day!
Dolly, 20 deer in the yard? I would be taking lots of pictures too. We are all rooting for the warmth of Spring. I am so happy to hear that you enjoyed your birthday week...we do that around these parts as well. That cuppycake looks scrumptious. Susan
Yes, I hope March - Marches on in to Michigan sometime very, very soon!
I love snow. Probably because in Mississippi, we get very little snow,and not very often. Still, I don't think I would love snow if we had as much as y'all have had.
Sorry I missed your birthday. And, you are very important and very special, so keep this feeling year round.
I so enjoy reading your blog post.
God bless.
Hey there Miss Dolly,
im so glad you liked your birthday jingle i left for you..hee hee and yes please jump thru the pooter and come visit me.... LOL
Im glad you had a lurvley birthday week coz you deserve the bestest and sweetest stuff ever!
oooh i wanna see piccies of deer please!
Hugs To Ya
xo Shann
oh almost forgot...My Website is now open YAY for me!
Happy Belated Birthday! Your blog looks wonderful.
Hi Dolly, so glad you had a nice birthday week. Now it's on to spring and Easter! Congrats on the award.
La Rea Rose
Hi Dolly! I love your new blog look! So pretty! I am so glad you had such a nice birthday week. I know arent you sick of this darn snow?? I wish I would just go away!
Happy belated Birthday and I hope it warms up for you soon!
Happy Spring sweetheart and happy birthday too!!
I've found your blog just now and i feel soooo lucky:)))))
I'll be checking back..love it:D
Hidden Eloise
Thank you so much for coming back to my blog:))
You are so very welcome there anytime!
Take care,
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