Friday, November 23, 2012

Hello Dear Friends, 

I am happy to announce I am Celebrating the grand re-opening of my Cherry Heart Boutique Etsy shop.

 It feels so good to be back painting and creating.

I have missed you all so much!

 My blog absence has refected my life lately.

Pure craziness.

My nephew and My Mum have gone to heaven, my grandson is now 

"CANCER FREE"  YaY!!!!!!

and my husband is having better days. {he was hospitalized twice with heart issues!}

To show my gratitude to all of you..........

I am offering a give away to anyone whom writes a post on their blog announcing my Grand Re-opening with a link to my Boutique!

Just send me a link to your post in my comments section and you will be entered in my give away! I will pick a winner December 10th.

What will you receive?

Well I will surprise you...

a surprise is always fun right!


Thank you so much for being so supportive and for all your prayers during this difficult time in our lives!

God Bless


1. Unknown said...

I am so glad to hear that both your Grandson and husband are doing well. Lovely to see that your shop has re-opened. Sue x

2. Jeanette said...

So glad to hear things are going better for you.

3. Sheree said...

so awesome you are back... i will be ordering...

4. Sheree said...

so awesome you are back... i will be ordering...

5. CatieAn said...

hi sweetie..
Am so sorry for your losses and happy your grandson is doing so well and your hubby. I can't even imagine how difficult life has been for you. every time I see a 'cherry' something I think of you and send prayers your way.
I am so glad you are back.