Monday, October 19, 2009

The winners are......

First I'd like to thank all of you for visiting and entering my fun pumpkins give away!
I loved reading all your comments and I had 49 of you wonderful gals choose to follow my blog!
A special thank you to those who posted about my give away on their blogs!
Thank you that means a lot to me!

The winner for the red set of pumpkins' is......
Debbie @ Theres an angel on my front porch!

And the lucky winner of the pink set of pumpkins is.....
Karen @ Somedays are diamonds

Thank you both for your sweet comments and for becoming followers!
Please send me your address' so I can get your pumpkins off to you!

Happy hauntings,


1. Unknown said...

Oh, those girls are going to be happy! Congratulations!

Dolly, i love your pink Princess room! Anyone would love to stay there . . . it's so cozy!

Thanks for sharing!


2. stefanie said...


3. Julie Harward said...

Happy day for nice that is! I loved them both! Come say hi :D

4. Anonymous said...

Hurray for Debbie and Karen! ♥

5. Anonymous said...

Just love the Halloween picture!
Congratulations to the winners!! Lucky...Lucky Girls!!

6. Abatevintage said...

Congratulations to the winners. How wonderful.


7. Carolyn said...

Hi Dolly,
Your guest room is so pretty-definitely fit for a princess.I love Bessie Pease prints too. I used to be able to buy her calenders here but have not seen any for a few years.I used to frame them for our children's and then grandchildren's rooms.
The dishes are so pretty as well.
Thank you for visiting me.

8. Unknown said...

Happy to meet you Dolly and I intend to return. Lucky winners for sure. I love the witch in the window...If we could only read her mind.

9. GwendolynKay said...

Congrats to the winners. I wanted that little pink set. :(
I'll be fine. ha!

10. Mary Isabella and Kiley too! said...

I know they are happy...m...