After being sick for too long {thinking it was my yearly cold}
I went to the Doctor to find out it was Bronchitis with a touch of pneumonia.
Why I didn't figure this out sooner is beyond me!
I get this cough every year around this time..
I always just let it run its course using vicks and advil and garlic tablets!
The good news issssssss.........
the antibiotics are kicking in and I am feeling better! Not 100% but I am on my way!
I will be able to attend my 50th birthday party as planned!
WOW the big 5 OH...... I know its only a number. But....
When I was in my twenties that was OLD!!!! {te-he}
I am feeling very blessed with my life,
and can't think of any place I'd rather be right now!
I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!
Hugz and Blessings,