Monday, September 14, 2009

My Mum

My mum, my best friend...
You are my angel,
You have guided me,
you held my hand,
you comforted me through the tough times,
you taught me right from wrong!
You have been my inspiration and my hero.
You have a heart of gold and always see the best in everyone you meet!
I wish the world had more people like you in it.
You let me spread my wings and stood proud beside me.
I am very blessed to have you in my life!
A girl could not ask for a better mother or grandmother for her children!
I love you to the moon and back mum,
with all my heart!
Happy 77th birthday!!!
Hugz and Kisses


1. Alison Gibbs said...

What a heartfelt tribute to your Mum
Hope she has a wonderful birthday

2. blushing rose said...

Mother will be greatly pleased with such a wonderful loving post. Happy birthday wishes to her.

Greet my friend Gail on her lst day as a new blogger ~

TTFN ~Marydon

3. Kathleen Grace said...

As a mother myself, I would consider it the sweetest gift to have my daughter pay such a sweet and loving tribute to me. Happy birthday to your mother. You're a good daughter:>)

4. Shabby Cottage Shoppe said...

Hi Dolly,
Thanks for stopping by my blog and welcoming me in.
Marydon has really helped me out a lot getting started in the blog world.
I just became one of your followers too!

5. said...

Lovely post Dolly! Rachaelxo

6. Mrs. Cherry Heart said...

Thank you girls....


7. Mrs. Cherry Heart said...

Aw Kathy that is sooo sweet!
I write from my heart......

Luvs ya girlfriend

8. Julie Harward said...

I just found your blog and I LOVE it!
I've been blogging since last Christmas, my daughters said I had to learn it and I'm so glad I did.
I miss my mom, she passed away 8 years ago, she was a wonderful mom.
My daughter just named her new baby after my mom "Ella" neat!
Come say hi on my blog if you'd like..I live in So. Central Utah, red rock country~

9. Julie@beingRUBY said...

Absolutely beautiful
I just came across from Alison's blog. I noticed your post title and the wonderful image. I lost my mum at a young age, yet your wonderful words reflect exactly how I still feel today. Just lovely.

10. Mary Isabella and Kiley too! said...


11. Sweet Cottage Dreams said...

Beautiful! Happy Birthday to your MUM!!


12. Its So Very Cheri said...

Be sure to come by tonight around 9pm (Eastern time) for the announcement so you don't miss out. I promise-it good-really really good.
Its So Very Cheri

13. Unknown said...

Oh Dolly what a beautiful post for your sweet mum!! I hope she had a wonderful birthday!!!!

Your comment on my blog made me feel so warm inside!! Thank you. I Know YOU completely understand the way I feel about fall/winter!! Living in Michigan, it is just tooo long of a cold season :) Yes, when are we getting together?? :):):)
Love ya sweetie,

14. Anne said...

What a beautiful post you have written for your Mom's birthday. I just loved that painted picture you posted with it. So lovely.

15. Beverly said...

The deadline for tomorrow's Pink Saturday was 8 a.m. EST this morning. Please e-mail me, and I will try to get you in to tomorrow's list.

16. Diane said...

Your mum is a lucky woman to be so appreciated by her daughter. You are lucky you still have her. I miss my own mom soooo badly. Love reading your tribute. Diane

17. Regina said...

Happy Birthday to your mom.
Lovely poem.

18. Dreamgirl said...

Beautiful words and a wonderful picture!

Happy Pink Saturday!

19. Unknown said...

This is a beautiful painting.
Welcome to Pink Saturday!

20. Sandi@ Rose Chintz Cottage said...

Hi Dolly,
Lovely tribute to your mother! Happy Pink Saturday to you.


21. Beverly said...

I came by to see your Pink Saturday post. I'll try to stop by again later.