I am so sorry friends!
I didn't mean to worry yous!
One of my dear sweet bloggy friends sent an email saying she was going to send a search and rescue team out to find me!
She said she was worried that I had been missing for too long!
I am so sorry!
Thank you for all the emails and comments of concern!
Yep I am here and still alive!
Life has been super duper crazy here at our cherry cottage.
I will try to give you a quick run down of whats been going on here.....
Remember my oldest daughter Chrissy was diagnosed with MRSA {a few posts back}
Well her son and fiance' got it too!
They are on the road to recovery!
Praise God.
We went downstate to visit our families and to celebrate september birthdays!
Since we live so far away from everyone we get together and celebrate all the birthdays in that month together!
It is one huge party.
We got to see our newest princess and other 2 grandbabies!
Kids grow so fast don't they!
Miss Coral is in preschool and loves it!
Lil Guy misses her.... Madison is 3 months old and growing like a weed!

I started a new flower bed... I envisioned an oval island flower bed a ways away from the porch!
I was doing good, almost done and decided I didn't like it so I got the tractor out and started digging a whole new bed... cut the phone line with the tractor and had no phone service for 4 days!
Had to call Miss Dig so they could come out and mark where the under ground wireing was so I didn't hit the electrical wires!
I lined that bed with rocks and added plants and am in the process of dividing plants I have in other beds to fill in the new bed!
Plus trying to cut back all the spent flowers for winter!
We painted our guest cottage!
I first painted it a purplish color and didn't like it so we repainted it to match the house colors so it would blend in and not stick out lil a big purple elephant!
I still have to make curtains {lace of course} for the windows and touch up the trim around the windows and doors!
Next summer we will add ginger bread trim and a patio to the front and cobble stone the foundation!
I am just glad to get it painted at this point!
It looks 100% better!
I canned 126 pints of sweet corn, plus green beans, pickled veggies, peaches,
I still have tomatoes, salsa, spaghetti sauce and apple sauce to do!

Ok you get the idea!
Life has been busy and crazy I tell you.
My google reader is way past 700 blogs that I need to catch up on.
My Etsy boutique has been neglected. {bad me}
Oyyyyy.... will I ever get done?
I do miss you all.
You add sunshine to my days!
I hope all is well with each and every one of yous!
I will be back soon... promise!
Big Hugz,

I didn't mean to worry yous!
One of my dear sweet bloggy friends sent an email saying she was going to send a search and rescue team out to find me!
She said she was worried that I had been missing for too long!
I am so sorry!
Thank you for all the emails and comments of concern!
Yep I am here and still alive!
Life has been super duper crazy here at our cherry cottage.
I will try to give you a quick run down of whats been going on here.....
Remember my oldest daughter Chrissy was diagnosed with MRSA {a few posts back}
Well her son and fiance' got it too!
They are on the road to recovery!
Praise God.
We went downstate to visit our families and to celebrate september birthdays!
Since we live so far away from everyone we get together and celebrate all the birthdays in that month together!
It is one huge party.
We got to see our newest princess and other 2 grandbabies!
Kids grow so fast don't they!
Miss Coral is in preschool and loves it!
Lil Guy misses her.... Madison is 3 months old and growing like a weed!

I started a new flower bed... I envisioned an oval island flower bed a ways away from the porch!
I was doing good, almost done and decided I didn't like it so I got the tractor out and started digging a whole new bed... cut the phone line with the tractor and had no phone service for 4 days!
Had to call Miss Dig so they could come out and mark where the under ground wireing was so I didn't hit the electrical wires!
I lined that bed with rocks and added plants and am in the process of dividing plants I have in other beds to fill in the new bed!
Plus trying to cut back all the spent flowers for winter!
We painted our guest cottage!
I first painted it a purplish color and didn't like it so we repainted it to match the house colors so it would blend in and not stick out lil a big purple elephant!
I still have to make curtains {lace of course} for the windows and touch up the trim around the windows and doors!
Next summer we will add ginger bread trim and a patio to the front and cobble stone the foundation!
I am just glad to get it painted at this point!
It looks 100% better!

I still have tomatoes, salsa, spaghetti sauce and apple sauce to do!

Ok you get the idea!
Life has been busy and crazy I tell you.
My google reader is way past 700 blogs that I need to catch up on.
My Etsy boutique has been neglected. {bad me}
Oyyyyy.... will I ever get done?
I do miss you all.
You add sunshine to my days!
I hope all is well with each and every one of yous!
I will be back soon... promise!
Big Hugz,