Good or Bad!
Times passes so slowly...
Minutes seem to feel like hours!
Our daughter Chrissy, went to the doctor...
I waited by the phone... doodeling, checking the clock, waiting and waiting...
wondering why I didn't go with her!
The phone rings....
Chrissy.... "GOOD NEWS MUM" "doc says I am doing good, the meds are working , my boils are drying up and the new ones are hard and going away"
Me..... big sigh!
"Thank you God"
"whats next?"
"I am staying on the meds for 2 more weeks just to be sure my body is clear!
I am so greatful to all of you for your prayers, good thoughts, emails and well wishes for a speedy recovery for our daughter!
You are all angels!
What would I do without you?
We all know there is power in prayer and your prayers have helped us through this difficult time!
With this I thank you with all my heart!
Big Hugz to each and everyone of you from all of us!