Friday, October 12, 2007

My Plate over-flowith

I can't believe it's friday already!
Oh my goodness...
I ask myself
where did the week go?
I have been so gosh darn busy....
everyday seems to run into the next!
Plus we are both not sleeping at night!
Toss and turn... get up, lay back down, toss and turn...
walk around the house, lay back down, get frustrated....
My butts draggin...I feel like a zombie!
I guess I have too much on my plate right now!
I am re-doing the guest room!
Yes... plastering, sanding, washing, waxing, painting..
a total room make over!
I am excited....
I have been wanting to do this since we moved here!
YAY... no more boreing white walls!
Noooo I am not going to tell you what I am doing...
shhh.... my lips are sealed... its a secret!
you will have to wait for pictures!
te-hee.... I know I am a brat!
Plus I am doing some halloween crafts,
making a few gifts for the birthdays we celebrate this month,
still working on getting the yard closed for winter!
EEEEuuuu did I say winter... YUCK!
Theres alot more going on in my life but I won't bore you with that stuff!
I hope you are all doing good!
I will try to pop in your blogs when time allows
or when I finish whats on my plate!! :-)
Hugz, Dolly


1. Essential Oil Premier University said...

Hugs back to you. Have fun doing that guest bedroom. I'm sure it will be absolutely fabulous when completed. . . you of course, will be absolutely exhausted LOL!!


2. Jules of Whimsicalnotions blog said...

Dolly snap just did my guest room and im so excited bet yours is a cherry theme is it red.I am trying to send you an email but it keeps coming back have you changed email accounts
can you send me one so i can send my email in reply have just done a guest room office post on my blog

3. Anonymous said...

Can't wait to see. Hope you find that burst of energy.

4. Back Through Time said...

Hope to see what you've done soon!!
THe cookies looked great! I made pumpkin bread this week, cookies are next!

5. Kingswood Food and Craft Market said...

Now what are you up to Miss Dolly???? knowing you it will be AWESOME and sweet and pehaps include somethng a bit umm, Cherry-ish....??? hee hee...

Dont wear yourself out ok!
Hugs n More Hugs
Shann xo

6. Nunnie's Attic said...

I'm so looking forward to the pictures! I love redos. Wish I had a redo project going on, sigh!


7. Sweet Cottage Dreams said...

Hi Dolly! I hope that all is going smoothly and cannot WAIT to see the pics! xo, Becky

8. Rosemary said...

Sounds busy, but fun Dolly. Can't wait to see your project when it is done.
Try to rest now and then.

9. Back Through Time said...

You have an award I gave you over on my blog! Stop by and pick it up when you can

10. Unknown said...

Hi Dolly!

I cant wait to see what you do with the room! I know it will be gorgeous!

I hope you start sleeping better and your load lightens up a bit! But I know with the holidays coming, it only gets busier!! Believe me, I know!!

Love ya and miss you in the group,

11. Kathleen Grace said...

Can't wait to see the finished room!

12. Stephanie ~ Angelic Accents said...

Can't wait to see what you are doing next!! Pics soon I hope!!

Angelic Accents

13. toothfairy said...

You sound so very busy! I also redid a bedroom and have been adding to it a little at a time. I call it my "garden guest room" are you going with a theme? Please don't keep us in suspense too much longer? We live for clues you know? I adore the cake photo for your sister's b'day, did you make it yourself? Looks fabulous! Jan at daylilylane (toothfairy)