Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Halloween

I received this sweet black cat box and punkin pin cushion
from Suzy at Georgia Peachez
{are'nt they cute?}
They looked so lonely up on the shelf all alone
so I went shopping for some halloween goodies!

I normally don't decorate for halloween since the kids have all moved away!

But I thought it would be fun to have a few fun vintage looking pieces!

I really like the paper mache figures!

This broom Hilda bobble head witchy poo is sprinkled with german glitter....

Now that I have a few fun pieces I am on the look out for more!!
May your tricks be few and your treats be plenty!
Have safe and Happy halloween!
Hugz, Dolly


1. Nunnie's Attic said...

I love them! Takes you back to a time when decorations were simpler and had more meaning!


2. Back Through Time said...

Oh all of your Halloween finds are so cute!
Have a great evening

3. Linda said...

I love these darling treaures. Fun,fun, pieces, I think the witch is my favorite.

Happy Halloween Linda

4. Natasha Burns said...

Happy Halloween Dolly! Love the papier mache figures!

5. Alison Gibbs said...

Happy Halloween Dolly.
It is fun to decorate even when the kids have moved away!

6. Rosemary said...

Happy Halloween Dolly!
I love your collection. It's addicting, isn't it?

7. Essential Oil Premier University said...

Happy Halloween to you too Dolly. I love your halloween finds, very vintage looking. . . my fav.



8. Anonymous said...

Your little Halloween figures are super cute!!!
Have a great night!

9. Anonymous said...

Hi Dolly, you have found such cute decorations! Even though the kids have left home no need to stop decorating, it's always fun to decorare for festivities!! Would you believe in all the years we have been living here, last night we had our first ever one bunch of trick or treating kids!! In capes!! I could not belive it when I openend the door :) Lucky I had some lollies!! Happy Halloween! Jenn and Jacqui :)

10. Naturegirl said...

((((((((HAPPY HALLOWEEN)))))
I just flew in on a witches broom!
I am having a blast visiting all the
(((GOULS))) in Bloglandia!
witches hugs and bats NG

11. Anonymous said...

That is so sweet. Just enough to share in the spirit.

12. Stephanie ~ Angelic Accents said...

How adorable!!! Halloween is one of my very fav holidays!!

Hope you & yours had a very safe & happy Halloween!!

Big Hugs,
Angelic Accents

13. Sweet Cottage Dreams said...

HI Dolly! Wowieee! Those decorations are so darn cute!!! Such fun pieces to have in a collection!!


14. Alice Regan said...

I love all your treasures. I was sad to pack up my Halloween festivities today. But, now it's on to Thanksgiving! I'm working up towards the big one..Christmas!

15. vivian said...

Hello Dolly♪♪♪
(I just had to say that!)
first off.. I love your blog!
secondly, your in for the snowman swap. feel free to post the badge on your site and spread the word. there are 16 of us right now. sign up goes until the 9th. so theres room to grow!
please email me all your info.. address and email.
I'll post more info later adn will post partners on the 10th!
I think this is going to be fun fun fun! thanks for signing up!

16. Michelle said...

Love them all, and of course you needed to find them friends!

17. Reflections from the Stone Nest said...

Your halloween items are lovely! And what fun!

Have a great day!

18. Reflections from the Stone Nest said...

Your halloween items are lovely! And what fun!

Have a great day!

19. Ele at abitofpinkheaven said...

What a cute display.

20. Heather said...

Love them all - I just love that style.