Sunday, October 14, 2007

I hugged an old friend today

Look what came in the mail for me!
I am so excited... and so happy to see her!

~~ Welcome back Victoria ~~

My dear friend, we have spent many many hours together...
laughing... crying, ohing and awwing, dreaming, traveling, discovering new things
and shareing many many cups of tea!
I am glad you are back!
You are as beautiful as you have always been....
And worth the long wait!
You have'nt aged abit {te-hee}
I hugged her and could not wait to rip open the plastic cover
and devour every single page and picture!

This is what I do when I get a magazine in the mail...
I make a cup of tea... and curl into my favorite chair,
light a candle and get lost in the pages!
Mmmmmm.... its like a mini vacation of the mind! :-)

What do you do when you find your favorite magazine in the mailbox????

Enjoy your day!

Hugz, Dolly


1. said...

Hi Dolly, my fave is Romantic Homes but am about to subscribe to Victoria. Enjoy your day - Rachael-xo

2. Rosemary said...

Hi Dolly,
I am still waiting for my Victoria to get here. Can't wait!
I do love Romantic Homes and Romantic Country.
Have fun,

3. Anonymous said...

I find a corner and hideout!

4. Alison Gibbs said...

Hi Dolly, I nominated you for an award...check out my blog.

5. Essential Oil Premier University said...

Oh, I'm soooo jealous!! My copy has not yet arrived.

I place my favorite magazines on my night stand, then after the house is quiet and everyone is in bed, I curl up under the electric blanket and. . . sigh. . . escape!!

6. Anonymous said...

I hope I can find that magazine here real soon! I used to love it!

7. Anonymous said...

Love the coziness and sweetness of your blog. Your little goose is sweet, but I'm sure she is effective. :)

8. Nunnie's Attic said...

SO many people are raving over this magazine. Can I be honest? I have never even heard of it. But I have NOW and I'll have to look for it.


9. Anonymous said...

All my favorite magazines are no longer being publishes. Country Decorating Ideas, Country Almanac and Cottage Style. :( I still get Country Home and I pick up the occasional Country living, but neither of them give me the "happys" like the first 3 mentioned.

10. Linda said...

Hi Dolly, I love Victoria too, I can hardly wait to get mine:). When I get a new mag. I save it as a special treat to read that evening. I get all cozy and just escape into it. Some say waiting is a form of magazine abuse....but that is what I do:). Enjoy, Linda

11. Stephanie ~ Angelic Accents said...

Oh Dolly, what a good advertiser you are!! I NEED that mag now!

Love & Miss ya,
Angelic Accents

12. Unknown said...

I subscribed to Victoria too but havent received my copy yet :( I cant wait to get it. I love to curl up on the couch at night under my purple blanket with my dog and a cup of tea to read my favorite magazines! Romantic Country is my favorite right now but I cant wait to receive my first copy of Victoria!!

THank you so much for the NICE comments on my blog. Your the sweetest!

Love ya,

13. Sharon said...

Hello my PRH sister, I'm still waiting for my first issue to arrive. I hope she will be as good as her former self. Everyone of originals are waiting patiently on my book shelves for the return of their long lost sister

14. COLLS GARDEN said...

Oh Dolly, you are so sweet. Thank you. I just had a back-browse through your blog, just adore that pic of your darling grandbubby & the cats. Yep, I'd say hey were definately thinking Escape. So sorry about your Lola, how sad for her to go like that. At least she is in Chicken Heaven & isn't Chicken Nuggets.
Hugs Coll :-}

15. Bertie said...

Dolly! How do you rate? I haven't got mine yet! You lucky duck! I so looking forward to it. I'll be lost in it for a couple of hours, too. I still read my old ones from cover to cover!

Aunt May's Cottage

16. Lori said...

Dolly, Oh you luckey duck!!! Mr Postman where is mine???????? I'll let you know how I like it! love, Lori

17. Connie said...

I can't wait to get mine, sweet Dolly! I'm waiting anxiously. Love ya sweets!! Smooch that sis for us too.

18. Jules of Whimsicalnotions blog said...

Im soooo jealous Victoria ia an old friend of mine for years
over here in Aus she wasnt that well known but i found her years ago and adored her instantly.She was my friend on dark days she was my dream when the world fell apart and she was my inspiration to create the home i Have.Cant wait till she gets over here in Aus.Till then treat her kindly. have about 40 issues lol